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The Series17 July 2014All you need to know: Tregarthur's Series. An exciting new teen fiction adventure series.
Tregarthur's Promise17 July 2014First in an exciting new young adult fiction adventure following a group of teenagers who find themselves cut off from the adult world in an unfamiliar environment.
Writing Best Sellers24 November 2015Writing Best SellersA few tips from author Alex MellanbyWriting Best Sellers can’t be done unless you read a lot. There are so many books I want to have read. I...
School Visits4 December 2015Looking for an Author to appear at your school or library?Alex Mellanby, author of The Tregarthur’s Series is available to come to your school for talks and workshops.These can be...
Rats4 December 2015RatsWe have a thatched roof. They don’t last forever. So you need a thatcher. Or more than one, more than two. And they drink tea – with sugar. You almost...
About the Author17 July 2014Meet the AuthorAlex Mellanby tells about his past and gives us insight into the inspiration for the Tregarthur’s Series.I was a doctor, a nice safe career helping people until...
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The Series17 July 2014All you need to know: Tregarthur's Series. An exciting new teen fiction adventure series.
Tregarthur's Promise17 July 2014First in an exciting new young adult fiction adventure following a group of teenagers who find themselves cut off from the adult world in an unfamiliar environment.
Writing Best Sellers24 November 2015Writing Best SellersA few tips from author Alex MellanbyWriting Best Sellers can’t be done unless you read a lot. There are so many books I want to have read. I...
School Visits4 December 2015Looking for an Author to appear at your school or library?Alex Mellanby, author of The Tregarthur’s Series is available to come to your school for talks and workshops. These can be...
Rats4 December 2015RatsWe have a thatched roof. They don’t last forever. So you need a thatcher. Or more than one, more than two. And they drink tea – with sugar. You almost...
About the Author17 July 2014Meet the AuthorAlex Mellanby tells about his past and gives us insight into the inspiration for the Tregarthur’s Series.I was a doctor, a nice safe career helping people until...