Here are a few sites that you may find interesting….
The Ten Tors Challenge – The Tregarthur Series was inspired by those that dare to take the Ten Tors challenge. For those that have never heard of the Ten Tors Challenge, head over here to find out more.
Survival Camp– Bear Grylls
A definitive guide to time travel at a very trusted wikipedia
Thinking about the next book to read ? Why not check out Bookbag here. They’re a book review site, featuring books from all the many walks of literary life.
Looking for any of the Tregathur’s Series in eBook? You can grab yourself an eBook or even tell us what you’ve thought of the series so far on Amazon
The Federation of Children’s Book Groups
Check these out after you’ve read Tregathur’s Revenge – spoiler alert!
Some extra info about the backdrop in Tregarthur’s Revenge: Click here and also here